Summary: Theme 5: A City with a Modern and Sustainable Transport Infrastructure 2017

The Durham City Sustainable Transport Strategy provides the strategic context for transport in Our Neighbourhood. The role for our Plan is to support the strategy by putting into place land use policies which promote and enable sustainable transport.

Policy T1: Accessibility of proposed developments

The policy will promote walking, cycling and public transport access in new developments and the minimisation of transport impacts. Developers will need to provide solutions to congestion on pavements and deficiencies in cycle routes.

Full policy here.

Policy T2: Designing for sustainable transport

Development sites should incorporate attractive and safe walking, cycling and public transport access. On main roads and within sites, these modes should be separated from motor traffic. Direct and welldesigned links to existing networks are also essential in creating a walkable and cycle friendly City.

Full policy here.

Policy T3: Residential car parking in the controlled parking zone (CPZ)

Existing parking policy requires car parking in proposals beyond 400m of Market Place. The high cost of incorporating parking makes residential development less viable than student flats where parking is not required. This change could encourage high density housing close to the town centre.

Full policy here.

T4: Residential storage for cycles and mobility aids

All new residential development will have to accommodate storage of cycles and mobility aids as was the requirement up to 2014. Since then, some new 3-bed houses have no garages and no storage for mobility aids, making this housing unsuitable for people at all stages of their lives. This policy would remedy that deficiency.

Full policy here.

Next section: Summary. Theme 6: A City with an Enriched Community Life

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