More Proposed Student Accommodation

Planning Application for Student Accommodation
Fram Well House, Diamond Terrace, Durham DH1 5SU
Reference: DM/15/02129/FPA
Deadline for objections 31 August

The proposal is for the demolition of the existing building and a new build of 7 townhouses to accommodate 131 students

Sidegate Residents’ Association has produced a detailed objection to this application, which can be seen at:

In summary their objections are:

(a) There is no evidence of the need for additional student accommodation or of a partnership between the developer and the University to establish need.

(b) The proposed development would lead to a concentration of student accommodation that would adversely affect the amenities of existing residents.

(c) The proposed site is unsuitable for student accommodation.

(d) The proposed development would encroach on City of Durham’s Green Belt.

(e) The proposed development would have a harmful effect on the character and appearance of the area.

(f) The proposed access road to the development is problematic.

For further information contact:

John Lowe
Chair, Sidegate Residents’ Association

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