Policy S1 2017

Policy S1: Sustainable Development Requirements of All Development and Re-development Sites

Development proposals, subject to satisfying other relevant policies, will be approved where site development would promote as many as appropriate of the following measures:

  1. provision for a mix of uses which meet development needs identified in the Local/County Plan and in this plan;
  2. redevelopment of a brownfield site to protect the Green Belt, as long as its biodiversity value is protected;
  3. protection of biodiversity / geodiversity, designated wildlife sites and protected species;
  4. prudent and efficient use of natural resources and processed materials and in particular land, energy, water and building materials;
  5. resilience to climate change including avoidance of sites in the flood plain;
  6. improvements in safety and active reduction in crime and fear of crime through use of the highest appropriate building standards that design out crime;
  7. preservation and enhancement of conservation areas and heritage assets (listed buildings, ancient monuments, designated and non-designated heritage assets), including that derived from their setting, character and local distinctiveness, tranquillity and contribution to the sense of place;
  8. preservation and enhancement of green assets;
  9. the incorporation of public art and public facilities including provision of seating and toilet facilities;
  10. provision of access and a coordinated approach to paving, lighting and signage to provide permeability of the site to meet all needs, especially the needs of people with disabilities, older people, and children;
  11. ease of access by public transport, walking and cycling.

Next section: Policy S2: Sustainable Development Requirements of All New Building Developments Including Renovations and Extensions

3 Responses to Policy S1 2017