Policy S2 2017

Policy S2: Sustainable Development Requirements of All New Building Developments Including Renovations and Extensions

Development proposals, subject to satisfying other relevant policies, will be approved where such development would promote as many as appropriate of the following measures:

  1. harmony with the architectural styles and features of the area’s built heritage, landscape, ecology and geology by the scale, layout, density, massing, height, materials, colour, hardscaping and landscaping used;
  2. respect for privacy of neighbouring properties, avoidance of overlooking and consideration for the visual impact on the local context;
  3. utilisation of sustainable building techniques and technology including the use of local materials that reduce the embodied carbon of construction and the use of re-used or recycled materials and the minimisation of carbon emissions from the development;
  4. utilisation of the highest appropriate building standards to ensure minimal energy consumption and maximum energy generation and use from renewable resources, including the use of energy efficient solar design principles;
  5. no negative effect, either directly or indirectly, on the quality of the water environment, and where possible an improvement of the water environment;
  6. utilisation of a sustainable drainage approach i.e. Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS);
  7. contribution and sharing of technologies wherever possible to meet some of all of the site’s energy needs;
  8. adoption of BRE Group best practice in waste reduction and recycling in both construction and after-use;
  9. appropriate adaptation to re-use vacant buildings.

Next section: Theme 2a: A beautiful and historic City: Heritage

2 Responses to Policy S2 2017