Summary of answers to the question “What is good about Durham City”
The most frequent comments are listed in descending order of popularity, i.e. most popular are at top – the ones starred are particularly recurrent.
****World Heritage Site, cathedral, castle, Palace Green
***Riverbank setting and riverside walks
**University and students (adds to city vibrancy and economy), attractive environment of colleges, and public facilities (e.g. Botanical Garden, Library, Oriental Museum), lectures and exhibitions
**Public transport and road transport links
**Woodland ‘wedges’ which bring greenspace into city
**Historic City (e.g. its Mayor and Bodyguard, Crook Hall, churches, mining heritage)
*Shops, coffee shops, pubs and restaurants
*Lively, vibrant, multi-cultural, with friendly people and strong community feeling
*Compact size
Market place and indoor market
Variety of historic and period properties (not just on peninsula)
Attractive streetscapes / beautiful architecture
Leisure and cultural facilities (e.g. Gala cinema and theatre, Freeman’s Quay, public library, DLI Museum and Art Gallery)
Large number of pedestrianised areas in city
Council flower displays and tree plantings
Park & ride, and car parking
Close to beautiful countryside, and nearby towns
Parks and nature areas (e.g. Flass Vale, Wharton Park, Aykley Heads, Browney Valley, Baxter’s Wood)
High profile festivals (e.g. Lumiere, Book Festival, Brass, Miner’s Gala, sporting events)