The Forum has submitted responses to the following consultations.
Consultations on Article 4 Direction for HMOs and Interim Policy on Student Accommodation
Consultation website. The Council’s consultation covered two proposals which will impact on student accommodation particularly in Durham City. These are:
- an Article 4 Direction which would mean that all future changes of use from a residential property to a HMO (house in multiple occupancy) would require planning consent in Durham City
- an interim policy on HMOs, Student Accommodation and PBSA (purpose built student accommodation
NPF Response Interim Policy 32 and Art 4 Direction Consultation
Durham City Conservation Area Character Appraisal
Consultation website. Durham City Conservation Area has existed since 1968. The Council’s consultation covered:
- a proposed Article 4(2) direction which would remove permitted development rights to make external alterations to some properties
- a revised conservation area boundary
- a draft document covering the City area, and sub-areas within that (Crossgate. Elvet, Framwellgate, Gilesgate, Peninsula), defining the unique characteristics which make the historic city centre so special and identifying negative aspects, threats and opportunities to its preservation and enhancement.
NPF Response Conservation Area Appraisal
Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) Stakeholders Consultation
The purpose of this survey is to assist Durham County Council with its Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) update. The overall purpose of the SHMA update is to enable the Council to identify and understand local housing markets, and to objectively assess the need for market and affordable housing across County Durham. The SHMA will identify the scale, and mix of housing types and tenures required.
2 Responses to Consultation Responses