Durham City Neighbourhood Draft Plan, additional consultation dates

Following an excellent response to the Durham City Neighbourhood Draft Plan public consultation events, two additional dates with later opening times have been scheduled to enable workers and young people to attend. These will be held at the Palatine Centre, Durham University on Monday 27th November 12-6pm and Ustinov College, Sheraton Park on Tuesday 28th November 4-8pm, and are open to everyone.

Pippa Bell, Neighbourhood Plan Engagement Officer, explained; “We were delighted by the scale and extent of the response to our first consultation event at Neville’s Cross, so have arranged further meetings to provide additional opportunities for the public to share their views on the Plan. We are grateful to the University for providing the venues.”

The plan is available to view at Claypath Library, County Hall and the Town Hall and also available online at npf.durhamcity.org.uk/the-plan/

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