We have made a response to the County Durham Plan Issues and Options consultation Many of the questions asked by the Council have relevance to Durham City and to the Neighbourhood Plan. For example in answer to the question about ‘How Much Development and Where’ (Question 13) we felt that the following options: (b) Sustainable Communities; (c) Sustainable Communities with Central Durham Villages; and (d) Wider Dispersal, seemed to offer the best distributions in the interests of towns and villages across County Durham. We could not support the over-development of Durham City envisaged in Option (a) Main Town Focus.
NPF Response to DCC Issues Options
We also responded to the Durham City Sustainable Transport Strategy consultation. Sustainable transport is of key importance to the Durham City Neighbourhood Plan. The Durham City Sustainable Transport Strategy sets out priorities with which we strongly agree, namely 1st people on foot, 2nd people on bikes, 3rd people on public transport, and lastly people in cars.
2 Responses to Forum responds to recent consultations