The City of Durham Parish Council has decided to extend the deadline for the consultation for its Neighbourhood Plan by a week, from 28 June to 5pm on Friday 5 July.
“We have been very pleased with both the quantity and the quality of the responses received so far” explains Roger Cornwell, who chairs the Parish Council Planning Committee. “But a number of consultee organisations with an interest in various aspects of the Plan have indicated to us that they would appreciate a further week in order to refine their comments.”
The Parish Council’s Neighbourhood Plan Working Party has agreed to extend the deadline because having these responses should improve the quality of the Neighbourhood Plan, and this is felt to be more important than a strict adherence to the original deadline.
“We would like to thank everybody who has responded so far” adds Roger Cornwell, “and if you have not yet responded you now have a further week to do so.”
You can respond in various ways, including email and an online form. Details are on the Neighbourhood Plan website at which also includes the text of the Draft Plan and accompanying maps. Printed copies of the Draft Plan are also available to read at the Clayport Library, the Town Hall and County Hall.
This post was originally issued as PRESS RELEASE_Deadline extended