Contents 2017

Chapter 1: Foreword

Chapter 2: Introduction

Chapter 3: Vision and Objectives

Chapter 4: Planning Policies and Proposals for Land Use

Chapter 5: Implementation and Monitoring

Appendix A: Projects to Improve the Economic, Social and Environmental Realm

Appendix B: Description of the Characters Areas in the Durham City Conservation Area

Appendix C: List of Non-Designated Heritage Assets, and of Buildings at Risk (both Designated and Non-Designated)

Appendix D: Population, Households, Housing and Sites

Appendix E

References to Evidence Base


The consultation on the draft Plan as now closed. However, the Plan is still available for viewing on the Web above, or as downloadable pdf files from here.

We thank everyone who has sent in a response.

The next stage for the Plan is as follows:

  • to collate the responses and place them in the public domain
  • to analyse the responses and to amend the draft plan as applicable
  • to place the results of this process into the public domain


Comments are closed.