Policy H5 2017

Policy H5: Listed Buildings, Scheduled Ancient Monuments, Registered Parks and Gardens and Registered Battlefields

H5.1: Designated heritage assets will be safeguarded from inappropriate development and from demolition, unless it can be demonstrated that any substantial harm or loss is necessary to achieve substantial public benefits that outweigh that harm or loss.

H5.2: Development proposals that would adversely affect the site of a designated heritage asset will not be permitted.

H5.3: Development proposals will be supported if they:

  1. retain, repair and return Listed Buildings to appropriate compatible use; or
  2. preserve and conserve Listed Buildings or Scheduled Ancient Monuments at risk (see Appendix C); or
  3. enhance the historical value of registered parks and gardens or registered battlefields.


4.56 A listed building is a building of special architectural or historic interest, as specified by the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (UK Parliament, 1990). Listing is made at three levels of importance: Grade I, Grade II* and Grade II. The protection applies to the whole of the listed building and any structure attached to it and the land within its curtilage that pre-dates June 1948. Listed building consent is required for any demolition, extension or alteration which may affect its character, appearance or significance (PPG 045 Reference ID: 18a-045-20140306). A scheduled monument is an historic building or site that is included in the list of Scheduled Monuments kept by the Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport. The regime is set out in the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 (UK Parliament, 1979). Any work on the site, or nearby operations that might affect it, require consent from the Secretary of State. (Historic England, Identification and Designation of Heritage Assets) (PPG para. 048 ID: 18a-048-20140306). Designated heritage sites are dealt with under the NPPF (paras. 126 to 141; PPG 021 to 022 ID: 18a … 20140306). Applications for planning permissions require consultation/notification to a range of national bodies such as Historic England (PPG para. 051 to 062 ID: 18a … 20140306).

4.57 Designated and non-designated heritage assets make an invaluable contribution to the character and significance of Our Neighbourhood. Not only is the visual impact important, but the buildings and sites of heritage interest provide communal connection; the meanings of a place for the people who relate to it, or to whom it figures in their collective memory, gives a sense of identity.

4.58 Historic England provides the official database of all listed buildings, scheduled monuments, protected wrecks and registered parks, gardens and battlefields. Information about sites in Durham City is also available in ‘Keys to the Past’ and Durham County Council’s ‘The Durham Record’.

4.58 The World Heritage Site is covered in Policy H1 and the conservation areas in Our Neighbourhood are covered in Policies H2 and H3. Neville’s Cross Battlefield site is additionally covered in Policy G2.

Next section: Policy H6: Non-designated Heritage Assets

1 Responses to Policy H5 2017