Policy H6 2017

Policy H6: Non-designated Heritage Assets

H6.1: Non-designated heritage assets will be safeguarded from inappropriate development, and from demolition, unless it can be demonstrated that any substantial harm or loss is necessary to achieve substantial public benefits that outweigh that harm or loss. (See Appendix C)

H6.2: Development proposals will be supported if they preserve and bring back into use non-designated heritage assets at risk. (See Appendix C)


4.59 Non-designated heritage assets are buildings, monuments, sites, places, areas or landscapes identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions but which are not formally designated heritage assets (PPG para.039 ID: 18a-039-20140306). Local lists incorporated into local plans can be a positive way for the local planning authority to identify non-designated heritage assets against consistent criteria so as to improve the predictability of the potential for sustainable development. (PPG para. 041 ID: 18a-041-20140306). Non-designated heritage assets have been identified through the Durham County Council (2016e) character appraisal of the Durham City Conservation Area (Appendix C: Tables C1 and C2). These sites therefore have heritage significance which needs to be considered in planning decisions. This list is not exhaustive and other non-designated heritage assets might be identified in the future. The Forum urges Durham County Council to incorporate a list of non-designated heritage assets in the County Local Plan (PPG para 041 ID: 18a-041-20140306).

Next section: Theme 2b: A beautiful and historic City: Green Infrastructure

1 Responses to Policy H6 2017