On 15 May 2015, Durham County Council applied for a Judicial Review, challenging the Inspector’s interim report on the Local Plan. The Defendant was the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). The Court has now (24 September) approved a ‘Consent Order’ with DCLG accepting that the Inspector’s conduct of the Examination in Public of the Local Plan was procedurally unsound. The Inspector’s Interim Report is now withdrawn. However, the County Council has to withdraw the Local Plan, amend and refresh it and submit it to another Examination in Public. Details can be seen on the Council’s Plan news. See also a recent post on this topic.
Inspector’s Interim Report on the County Durham Local Plan
{This report states that policies 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, and 32 are unsound and that policies 9 and 10 should be deleted.}
County Durham Local Plan, Submission Draft
{“The Local Plan for an area sets the rules for how the area will develop over time. The Local Plan, along with any neighbourhood plans, forms the overall development plan for the local area. Planning decisions must normally be taken in accordance with the development plan. The National Planning Policy Framework states that every local planning authority in England should have a clear, up to date Local Plan, which conforms to the framework, meets local development needs, and reflects local people’s views of how they wish their community to develop.” From: Department for Communities and Local Government}
EiP Matter 7 Durham City (Policies 6-10) (DCC9)
(See also information about student accommodation policy)
County Plan Examination in Public Library Part 1
{“material that supports the County Durham Plan … arranged in the same order to the Plan … All of the material in this library has been prepared before the submission of the Plan” – before 25 April 2014}
County Plan Examination in Public Library Part 2
This resource is no longer available. It consisted of nearly 500 documents, described as {“material that has been submitted to the Inspector after the submission of the Plan (i.e. after 25th April 2014).” This included a range of documentation such as examination statements, as well as correspondence between the Inspector, Programme Officer and the Council” and additional submissions by other participants} We are endeavouring to have it reinstated.