Proposals Maps
Proposals Map 1: Our Neighbourhood
- Click on the above map to enlarge, or view interactive version (on an Open Street Map base)
Proposals Map 2: Map of Local Green Spaces
- Click on the above map to enlarge, or view interactive version (on an Open Street Map base)
Proposals Map 3: Emerald Network
- Click on the above map to enlarge, or view interactive version (on an Open Street Map base)
Proposals Map 4: Green Belt – areas for improvement
- Click on the above map to enlarge, or view interactive version (on an Open Street Map base)
Proposals Map 5: Economic Designated Sites
- Click on the above map to enlarge, or view interactive version (on an Open Street Map base)
Proposals Map 6: City Centre Boundary and Frontages
- Click on the above map to enlarge, or view interactive version (on an Open Street Map base)
Proposals Map 7: Housing Sites
- Click on the above map to enlarge, or view interactive version (on an Open Street Map base)
Proposals Map 8: Purpose Built Student Accommodation Sites
- Click on the above map to enlarge, or view interactive version (on an Open Street Map base)
Other Maps
Map 1: World Heritage Site Boundaries
- Click on the above map to enlarge, or view interactive version (on an Open Street Map base)
Map 2: World Heritage Site Inner Setting
- Click on the map above to go to a web page where you can view this map
- Click on the above map to enlarge, or view interactive version (on an Open Street Map base)
Map 4: Durham City Conservation Area with Character Areas Shown
- Click on the map above to go to a web page where you can view this map
Map 5: Green Belt in Our Neighbourhood
- Click on the above map to enlarge, or view interactive version (on an Open Street Map base)
Map 6: Durham City Local Plan Monitoring Area
- Click on the map above to go to a web page where you can view this map
- Click on the map above to go to a web page where you can view this map
Map 8: Durham in the late medieval period: its boroughs, churches and important buildings
- Click on the map above to go to a web page where you can view this map
Map 9: Map of Pedestrian Issues
- Click on the above map to enlarge, or view interactive version (on an Open Street Map base)
- Click on the above map to enlarge, or view interactive version (on an Open Street Map base)
Map copyright and acknowledgements
Most of our base maps have been supplied to us by Ordnance Survey under the terms of our Public Sector Mapping Agreement. They are copyright and one of the following copyright notices applies:
- If you are viewing this document as a PDF, on screen:
© Crown copyright and database rights 2019 OS 0100060997. You are granted a non-exclusive, royalty free, revocable licence solely to view the Licensed Data for non-commercial purposes for the period during which the City of Durham Parish Council makes it available. You are not permitted to copy, sub-license, distribute, sell or otherwise make available the Licensed Data to third parties in any form. Third party rights to enforce the terms of this licence shall be reserved to OS. - If you are viewing a paper copy of this document:
© Crown copyright and database rights 2019 OS 0100060997. You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form.
The other base maps are provided by OpenStreetMap® and its © OpenStreetMap contributors. The data is available under the Open Database Licence, and the cartography is licensed as CC BY-SA. Further details are on the OpenStreetMap copyright page at
These base maps have information overlaid on them, some generated by the Neighbourhood Planning Working Party, some provided by Durham County Council.
The Map 9 of Durham in the late medieval period is from the book ‘Durham: 1000 Years of History’ by Martin Roberts (ISBN 978-0-7524-2537-5) and we are grateful to Martin for freely giving us permission to use it.
The other maps overlay specific information (generated by the Neighbourhood Planning Forum) on a base map provided by OpenStreetMap® and is © OpenStreetMap contributors. The data is available under the Open Database Licence, and the cartography is licensed as CC BY-SA. Further details are on the OpenStreetMap copyright page at