Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Background
Chapter 3: Vision and Objectives
Chapter 4: Planning Policies and Proposals for Land Use
- Theme 1: A City with a Sustainable Future
- Policy S1: Sustainable Development Requirements of all Development and Re-development Sites Including all New Building, Renovations and Extensions
- Policy S2: The Requirement for Master Plans
- Theme 2a: A Beautiful and Historic City – Heritage
- Policy H1: Protection of the World Heritage Site
- Policy H2: The Conservation Areas
- Policy H3: Our Neighbourhood Outside the Conservation Areas
- Policy H4: Heritage Assets
- Theme 2b: A Beautiful and Historic City – Green Infrastructure
- Policy G1: Protecting and Enhancing Green Infrastructure
- Policy G2: Designation of Local Green Spaces
- Policy G3: Creation of the Emerald Network
- Policy G4: Enhancing the Beneficial Use of the Green Belt
- Theme 3: A City With a Diverse and Resilient Economy
- Policy E1: Larger Employment Sites
- Policy E2: Other Employment Sites
- Policy E3: Retail Development and Policy E4: Evening Economy
- Policy E5: Visitor Attractions and Policy E6: Visitor Accommodation
- Theme 4: A City With Attractive and Affordable Places to Live
- Policy D1: Land for Residential Development
- Policy D2: Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA)
- Policy D3: Student Accommodation in Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)
- Policy D4: Housing for Older People and People with Disabilities
- Policy D5: Affordable Housing
- Policy D6: Building Housing to the Highest Standards
- Theme 5: A City With a Modern and Sustainable Transport Infrastructure
- Policy T1: Sustainable transport accessibility and design
- Policy T2: Residential Car Parking
- Policy T3: Residential Storage for Cycles and Mobility Aids
- Theme 6: A City with an Enriched Community Life
- Policy C1: Provision of Facilities for Arts and Culture
- Policy C2: Provision of New Community Facilities and Policy C3: Protection of an Existing Community Facility
- Policy C4: Health Care and Social Care Facilities
Chapter 5: Monitoring the Plan
Appendix A: Description of the Characters Areas in the Durham City Conservation Area
Appendix B: List of Non-Designated Heritage Assets, and of Buildings at Risk (both Designated and Non-Designated)
Appendix C: Population, Households, Housing and Sites
Appendix D: Assets in Our Neighbourhood